Example product
function setup() {
return {
input: ["B04", "B08", "dataMask"],
output: { bands: 4 }
const ramp = [
[-0.5, 0x0c0c0c],
[-0.2, 0xbfbfbf],
[-0.1, 0xdbdbdb],
[0, 0xeaeaea],
[0.025, 0xfff9cc],
[0.05, 0xede8b5],
[0.075, 0xddd89b],
[0.1, 0xccc682],
[0.125, 0xbcb76b],
[0.15, 0xafc160],
[0.175, 0xa3cc59],
[0.2, 0x91bf51],
[0.25, 0x7fb247],
[0.3, 0x70a33f],
[0.35, 0x609635],
[0.4, 0x4f892d],
[0.45, 0x3f7c23],
[0.5, 0x306d1c],
[0.55, 0x216011],
[0.6, 0x0f540a],
[1, 0x004400],
const visualizer = new ColorRampVisualizer(ramp);
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
let ndvi = index(samples.B08, samples.B04);
let imgVals = visualizer.process(ndvi);
return imgVals.concat(samples.dataMask)
function setup() {
return {
input: ["B03", "B04", "B08", "dataMask"],
output: [
{ id: "default", bands: 4 },
{ id: "index", bands: 1, sampleType: "FLOAT32" },
{ id: "eobrowserStats", bands: 2, sampleType: 'FLOAT32' },
{ id: "dataMask", bands: 1 }
const ramp = [
[-0.5, 0x0c0c0c],
[-0.2, 0xbfbfbf],
[-0.1, 0xdbdbdb],
[0, 0xeaeaea],
[0.025, 0xfff9cc],
[0.05, 0xede8b5],
[0.075, 0xddd89b],
[0.1, 0xccc682],
[0.125, 0xbcb76b],
[0.15, 0xafc160],
[0.175, 0xa3cc59],
[0.2, 0x91bf51],
[0.25, 0x7fb247],
[0.3, 0x70a33f],
[0.35, 0x609635],
[0.4, 0x4f892d],
[0.45, 0x3f7c23],
[0.5, 0x306d1c],
[0.55, 0x216011],
[0.6, 0x0f540a],
[1, 0x004400],
const visualizer = new ColorRampVisualizer(ramp);
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
let val = index(samples.B08, samples.B04);
// The library for tiffs works well only if there is only one channel returned.
// So we encode the "no data" as NaN here and ignore NaNs on frontend.
const indexVal = samples.dataMask === 1 ? val : NaN;
const imgVals = visualizer.process(val);
return {
default: imgVals.concat(samples.dataMask),
index: [indexVal],
eobrowserStats: [val, isCloud(samples) ? 1 : 0],
dataMask: [samples.dataMask]
function isCloud(samples) {
const NGDR = index(samples.B03, samples.B04);
const bRatio = (samples.B03 - 0.175) / (0.39 - 0.175);
return bRatio > 1 || (bRatio > 0 && NGDR > 0);
function setup() {
return {
input: ["B04", "B08"],
output: {
bands: 1,
sampleType: "FLOAT32"
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
return [index(samples.B08, samples.B04)]
Evaluate and Visualize
The layout script
automatically adds the title defined in the front matter and adds buttons to visualize the script. For the buttons to work the evalscript has to be named script.js
and must be in the same directory as the README.md
Adding examples
This page shows how example links can be added by defining the parameters in the front matter. An example is defined like this:
- zoom: '10'
lat: '42.76703'
lng: '11.22847'
datasetId: S2L2A
fromTime: '2020-07-12T00:00:00.000Z'
toTime: '2020-07-12T23:59:59.999Z'
evalscripturl: https://custom-scripts.sentinel-hub.com/custom-scripts/sentinel-2/ndvi/eob.js
From these parameters, example urls are built automatically in the layout file. The parameter platform
specifies for which visualization platform the example links should be built. Right now the only options are Copernicus Browser (CDSE) and EO Browser (EOB).
If a script only works on one platform but not the other, only the platform the script works on should be specified (See for example cloud statistics). If the page has separate versions for each platform, multiple examples can be specified in the list (See markuse fire).
The evalscript can be given as an evalscripturl
like done here. This is the preferred option since it keeps maintenance of example links to a minimum since nothing needs to be updated if the evalscript is changed at a later point.
Alternatively the evalscript can be passed into the parameter evalscript
. Here the evalscript needs to be Base64 encoded. See the Forest Hurricane Script as an example.
When multiple different evalscripts are added, they can also be named by passing the parameter name
to each entry of the example list.
It is also possible to pass more url query parameters to the built example link by specifying additionalQueryParams
. See the NDVI Time Series script as an example.
General description of the script
- possible references (scientific articles, wiki/web references, …)