CORINE Land Cover Accounting Layers visualisation script

// This script visualises Corine Land Cover Accounting Layers
function setup() {
  return {
    input: ["CLC_ACC", "dataMask"],
    output: { bands: 4 }

const map = [
  [111, 0xe6004d],  //111 - Continuous urban fabric
  [112, 0xff0000],  //112 - Discontinuous urban fabric
  [121, 0xcc4df2],  //121 - Industrial or commercial units
  [122, 0xcc0000],  //122 - Road and rail networks and associated land
  [123, 0xe6cccc],  //123 - Port areas
  [124, 0xe6cce6],  //124 - Airports
  [131, 0xa600cc],  //131 - Mineral extraction sites
  [132, 0xa64d00],  //132 - Dump sites
  [133, 0xff4dff],  //133 - Construction sites
  [141, 0xffa6ff], //141 - Green urban areas
  [142, 0xffe6ff], //142 - Sport and leisure facilities
  [211, 0xffffa8], //211 - Non-irrigated arable land
  [212, 0xffff00], //212 - Permanently irrigated land
  [213, 0xe6e600], //213 - Rice fields
  [221, 0xe68000], //221 - Vineyards
  [222, 0xf2a64d], //222 - Fruit trees and berry plantations
  [223, 0xe6a600], //223 - Olive groves
  [231, 0xe6e64d], //231 - Pastures
  [241, 0xffe6a6], //241 - Annual crops associated with permanent crops
  [242, 0xffe64d], //242 - Complex cultivation patterns
  [243, 0xe6cc4d], //243 - Land principally occupied by agriculture with significant areas of natural vegetation
  [244, 0xf2cca6], //244 - Agro-forestry areas
  [311, 0x80ff00], //311 - Broad-leaved forest
  [312, 0x00a600], //312 - Coniferous forest
  [313, 0x4dff00], //313 - Mixed forest
  [321, 0xccf24d], //321 - Natural grasslands
  [322, 0xa6ff80], //322 - Moors and heathland
  [323, 0xa6e64d], //323 - Sclerophyllous vegetation
  [324, 0xa6f200], //324 - Transitional woodland-shrub
  [331, 0xe6e6e6], //331 - Beaches - dunes - sands
  [332, 0xcccccc], //332 - Bare rocks
  [333, 0xccffcc], //333 - Sparsely vegetated areas
  [334, 0x000000], //334 - Burnt areas
  [335, 0xa6e6cc], //335 - Glaciers and perpetual snow
  [411, 0xa6a6ff], //411 - Inland marshes
  [412, 0x4d4dff], //412 - Peat bogs
  [421, 0xccccff], //421 - Salt marshes
  [422, 0xe6e6ff], //422 - Salines
  [423, 0xa6a6e6], //423 - Intertidal flats
  [511, 0x00ccf2], //511 - Water courses
  [512, 0x80f2e6], //512 - Water bodies
  [521, 0x00ffa6], //521 - Coastal lagoons
  [522, 0xa6ffe6], //522 - Estuaries
  [523, 0xe6f2ff], //523 - Sea and ocean
  [999, 0xffffff]  //999 - NODATA

const visualizer = new ColorMapVisualizer(map);

function evaluatePixel(sample) {
  let rgbVis = visualizer.process(sample.CLC_ACC);
  return rgbVis.concat(sample.dataMask);

General description

This script visualises CORINE Land Cover (CLC) Accounting Layers according to the official CORINE Land Cover color scheme. CLC Accounting Layers are CLC status layers modified for the purpose of consistent statistical analysis in the land cover change accounting system at EEA.

For more details about the classes, please see the official CORINE Land Cover nomenclature guidelines or the illustrated nomenclature guidelines document.

Table 1: CORINE Land Cover nomenclature and colouring scheme.

Value Color Label
111 111 - Continuous urban fabric
112 112 - Discontinuous urban fabric
121 121 - Industrial or commercial units
122 122 - Road and rail networks and associated land
123 123 - Port areas
124 124 - Airports
131 131 - Mineral extraction sites
132 132 - Dump sites
133 133 - Construction sites
141 141 - Green urban areas
142 142 - Sport and leisure facilities
211 211 - Non-irrigated arable land
212 212 - Permanently irrigated land
213 213 - Rice fields
221 221 - Vineyards
222 222 - Fruit trees and berry plantations
223 223 - Olive groves
231 231 - Pastures
241 241 - Annual crops associated with permanent crops
242 242 - Complex cultivation patterns
243 243 - Land principally occupied by agriculture with significant areas of natural vegetation
244 244 - Agro-forestry areas
311 311 - Broad-leaved forest
312 312 - Coniferous forest
25 313 - Mixed forest
321 321 - Natural grasslands
322 322 - Moors and heathland
323 323 - Sclerophyllous vegetation
324 324 - Transitional woodland-shrub
331 331 - Beaches - dunes - sands
332 332 - Bare rocks
333 333 - Sparsely vegetated areas
334 334 - Burnt areas
335 335 - Glaciers and perpetual snow
411 411 - Inland marshes
412 412 - Peat bogs
421 421 - Salt marshes
422 422 - Salines
423 423 - Intertidal flats
511 511 - Water courses
512 512 - Water bodies
521 521 - Coastal lagoons
522 522 - Estuaries
523 523 - Sea and ocean
999 999 - NODATA

Description of representative images

CORINE Land Cover Accounting Layers, Thessaloniki Greece visualised on EO Browser. CORINE Land Cover Accounting Layer, Thessaloniki Greece

CORINE Land Cover Accounting Layers, London England visualised on EO Browser. CORINE Land Cover Accounting Layers, London England
