Sentinel-2 L2A Quarterly Cloudless Mosaic - False Color
function setup() {
return {
input: ["B04", "B03", "B08", "dataMask"],
output: { bands: 4 }
let factor = 1 / 10000;
let minVal = 0.0;
let maxVal = 0.5;
const viz = new HighlightCompressVisualizer(minVal, maxVal);
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
let val = [
factor * samples.B08,
factor * samples.B04,
factor * samples.B03
let imgVals = viz.processList(val);
return imgVals.concat(samples.dataMask);
Evaluate and Visualize
Collection Access
Sentinel-2 L2A Quarterly Cloudless Mosaic is one of the Sentinel-2 products, that is offered in Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. The data is accessible via Copernicus Browser. To access the data, you need a Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem account, and then either create a Sentinel Hub Process API request to the collection or to visualise the data via Copernicus Browser. The collection ID is 5460de54-082e-473a-b6ea-d5cbe3c17cca
, and the collection type is byoc-5460de54-082e-473a-b6ea-d5cbe3c17cca
General description
False Color composite is a simple RGB composite with NIR band in the red channel, red band in the green channel and green band in the blue channel. The script is useful for plant density and health monitoring, as vegetation (displayed in red) heavily reflects NIR light while absorbing red. Vegetation is colored red, cities and exposed ground are grey or tan, and water appears blue or black. For Sentinel-2 L2A Quarterly Cloudless Mosaic, the bands (B08, B04, B03) are divided by 10000 to bring them back to reflectance and the HighlightCompressVisualiser is applied with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 0.5 for better visualisation.
Description of representative images
False Color visualization of Iceland, 01.10.2023.