mARI - Modified Anthocyanin Reflectance Index
// Modified Anthocyanin reflectance index (abbrv. mARI)
// General formula: (1/550nm-1/700nm)*NIR
// URL
let index = ((1.0 / B03) - (1.0 / B05)) * B07;
return [index]
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General description of the script
To correct for leaf density and thickness, the near infrared spectral band (in the recommended wavelengths of 760-800nm), which is related to leaf scattering, is added to the basic ARI index. The new index is called modified ARI or mARI (also ARI2).
mARI(ARI2) = ((1 / 550nm) - (1 / 700nm)) * NIR
mARI(ARI2) = ((1 / B03) - (1 / B05)) * B07 for Sentinel-2.
mARI values for the examined trees in this original article ranged in values from 0 to 8.
mARI(ARI2) = ((1 / 550nm) - (1 / 700nm)) * NIR
Description of representative images
mARI applied to Rome. Acquired on 10.12.2019, processed by Sentinel Hub.