RGB Ratio Script
function setup() {
return {
input: ["VV", "VH", "dataMask"],
output: { bands: 3 },
var viz = new HighlightCompressVisualizer(0, 0.8);
var gain = 0.8;
function evaluatePixel(sample) {
if (sample.dataMask == 0) {
return [0, 0, 0];
let vals = [
(gain * sample.VV) / 0.28,
(gain * sample.VH) / 0.06,
(gain * sample.VH) / sample.VV / 0.49,
return viz.processList(vals);
Evaluate and Visualize
Collection Access
Sentinel-1 Monthly Mosaic is one of the Sentinel-1 products, that is offered in Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. The data is accessible via Copernicus Browser. To access the data, you need a Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem account, and then either create a Sentinel Hub Process API request to the collection or to visualise the data via Copernicus Browser. The collection ID is 3c662330-108b-4378-8899-525fd5a225cb
General description of the script
This script combines the gamma0 of the VV and VH polarizations into a false color visualization. It uses the VV polarization in the red channel, the VH polarization in the green channel, and a ratio of VH/VV in the blue channel. It shows water areas in dark red (black), urban areas in yellow, vegetated areas in turquoise, and bare ground in dark purple.
For snowy and icy areas, the visualization can vary from light yellow to blue to red. In order not to confuse cryogenic features with non-cryogenic ones, some general information about the location is helpful in interpreting the image.