Table of contents
- Popular RGB composites
- Remote sensing indices
- Cloud detection algorithms
- Snow and glaciers algorithms
- Disaster management and prevention algorithms
- Land use/cover classification algorithms
- Vegetation algorithms
- Agriculture and forestry algorithms
- Marine and other water bodies environment algorithms
- Urban planning algorithms
- Other multi-temporal scripts
- Other scripts
- Scripts including machine learning techniques (eo-learn)
Dedicated to supplying data for Copernicus services, Sentinel-2 carries a multispectral imager with a swath of 290 km. The imager provides a versatile set of 13 spectral bands spanning from the visible and near infrared to the shortwave infrared, featuring four spectral bands at 10 m, six bands at 20 m and three bands at 60 m spatial resolution. As indices primarily deal with combining various band reflectances, the table of 13 bands is given here for reference (see here for details). The names of the Sentinel-2 bands at your disposal are B01, B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08, B8A, B09, B10, B11 and B12.
Popular RGB composites
- True color - Simplistic true color image from red, green and blue bands.
- True color optimized L1C - Optimized L1C True Color image
- True color optimized L2A - Optimized L2A True Color image
- False color infrared - False Color Infrared RGB Composite
- SWIR - Short Wave Infrared RGB Composite
- False Color Urban - False Color Urban RGB Composite
- Wildfire visualization (by Pierre Markuse, taken from his blog post)
Remote sensing indices
- NDVI - normalized difference vegetation index
- NDVI uncertainty - visualization of uncertainty of NDVI due to uncertainty in band values
- NDVI time series - NDVI time series as a multi-band TIFF with a JSON containg a list of timestamps
- NDVI difference - NDVI difference between two acquisitions
- collection of remote sensing indices from an extensive Index database (IDB)
- ARI - anthocyanin reflectance index
- mARI - modified anthocyanin reflectance index
- ARVI - atmospherically resistant vegetation index
- CHL_REDEDGE - chlorophyll red-edge
- REDEDGE_POSITION - red edge position index
- EVI - enhanced vegetation index
- EVI2 - enhanced vegetation index 2
- GNDVI - green normalized difference vegetation index
- kNDVI - new alternative to NDVI with more complex transfer function
- MCARI - modified chlorophyll absorption in reflectance index
- MSI - moisture index
- NDMI - normalized difference moisture index
- NDWI - normalized difference water index
- NDMI STRESS - normalized difference moisture index for crop moisture stress
- NBR - normalized burn ratio
- NDII - normalized difference 819/1600 NDII
- NDCI - normalized difference chlorophyll index
- NDSI - normalised difference snow index
- PSSRB1 - pigment specific simple ratio for chlorophyll b (800/650 )
- SAVI - soil adjusted vegetation index
- SIPI1 - structure insensitive pigment index
- LAI - Leaf Area Index
- Leaf chlorophyll content
- Canopy chlorophyll content
- FAPAR - the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation
- FCOVER - the fraction of green vegetation cover
- Color correction with Sentinel Hub
- PSRI - plant senescence reflectance index
- Global mosaic best pixel selection script
- TOA Ratio B09-B8A ColorMap Blue-Red & Natural Colours Script
- Tonemapped Natural Color script
- Highlight Optimized Natural Color
- Vegetation condition index
- Vegetation productivity indicator
- Oil Spill Index
Cloud detection algorithms
- Cohen-Braaten-Yang cloud detection
- Hollstein Clouds, Cirrus, Snow, Shadow, Water and Clear Sky Pixels detection
- Cloudless Mosaic
- Cloud statistics
- Observation outlier detection
Snow and glaciers algorithms
- Snow classifier
- Monthly snow report
- Snow cover change detection
- NDSI Visualized - Visualized normalized difference snow index
Disaster management and prevention algorithms
- Detecting deep moist convection
- Fire boundary
- Burned area index for sentinel-2
- Multitemporal burnt area analysis
- Wildfire visualization (by Pierre Markuse, taken from his blog post)
- Burned Area Visualization
- Deep BAIS2 (Burned Area Index for Sentinel 2)
- Landslide detection for rapid Mapping
- Oil Spill Index
Land use/cover classification algorithms
- False Color Composite
- Barren soil
- Land Use Visualization for Sentinel-2 Using Linear Discriminant Analysis Script
- Bare soil detector
- Scene Classification
- Built-up Area Classification
Vegetation algorithms
- Normalized Difference Yellowness Index (NDYI) - Visualisation of blooming in an Amazonian tree species and canola crops
- Deep GNDVI
Agriculture and forestry algorithms
- NDVI anomaly detection
- Agricultural growth stage - multitemporal NDVI
- Forest cut temporal detection
- Pseudo forest canopy density (pseudo-FCD)
- Infrared agriculture display
Marine and other water bodies environment algorithms
- Cyanobacteria chlorophyll-a from Sentinel-2
- Maximum peak height bloom index
- White-water detection
- Ocean plastic detector prototype
- Ulyssys Water Quality Viewer - chlorophyll and suspended sediment for water quality visualization
- Satellite Derived Bathymetry Mapping - SDBM
- Aquatic Plants and Algae Custom Script Detector (APA Script)
- se2waq - water quality for Sentinel-2
- Water In Wetlands Index (WIW)
- Simple Water Bodies’ Mapping - SWBM
- MAGO Water Quality Monitoring Tool
Urban planning algorithms
Other multi-temporal scripts
Other scripts
- Natural color product computed correctly to match the color perceived by the human eye.
- Selective Enhancement based on Indices
- Homage to Mondrian - artistic script
- Index visualisation - universal script for visualisation of indices
- NDVI on L2A Vegetation and natural Colours
- PUCK - Perceptually-Uniform Color Map Kit
- MixLAI - Mix Leaf Area Index
- Detection of evapotranspiration levels
- Aesthetic Neon - Aesthetic visualization for urban and dry (desert) areas
- Total Ozone Column over Antarctica snow
- BRDF normalisation
- Simple Panchromatic - Create a simple greyscale visualization by averaging the 10m true color and NIR bands